We’ve made this first ever online edition ACCESSIBLE and FREE for all and everywhere!
But still, should you happen to find yourself in a position to be able to support the good cause, please feel more than welcome to use the slider on this rushed donation box (payments handled securely by PayPal), that will allow us to stay afloat and spread as much soothing, lively, uplifting character warmth as humanly possible!
Every little bit helps.
Pictoplasma continuously works to keep the festival a welcoming, safe and friendly experience for all guests, staff, volunteers and artists. In other words, we do not tolerate threats of violence, unwelcome sexual attention, slurs or hate speech, including hurtful comments involving race, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, physical appearance, religious or political belief, age, whether they are personal or general. Anyone asked to stop any harassing behavior is expected to comply immediately.
If you can’t help make the world (at least during our festival) a welcoming, harassment-free and supportive place for all characters and humans alike, Pictoplasma is not for you. Whoever violates these rules will be expelled from the festival and conference without a refund at the discretion of the organizer.
If the behavior of anyone makes you (or anyone else) feel unsafe or unwelcome, please report it as soon as possible. Incidents can be reported to any member of festival staff or the festival and conference team at the info desks onsite, where we will be happy to help, contact security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe.