Big Cat Bang, Kenji Yanobe, 2024
Ruri Kawanami
Ruri Kawanami is a researcher at the Department of Art History, Freie Universität Berlin. Her research focuses on transcultural features of modern and contemporary art, institutional links between East Asia and Europe, and theories and practices of drawing in the Japanese visual arts. A recurring question is whether one can speak of a ‘global contemporaneity’ and how different genealogies play into this. Her lecture will investigate how especially in Japanese arts multiple elements – Japanese, Western, ingenious, foreign, ancient, modern, spiritual and technical – are decontextualised to co-exist in new forms and in the same pictorial planes.

Satori Yugi Ohenro 88, Kazuki Takakura, 2024,Copyright Burger Studio

Kōmō Zatsuwa, Chūryō Morishima , 1787

Hokusai Manga, Katsushika Hokusai, 1814-1878

Yasumasa Morimura, Vermeer Study: Looking Back (Mirror), 2008