Harry Hambley / Ketnipz
Ketnipz is an art and animation page that revolves around the character of Bean – a small, naked pink thing who’s just trying to make it through the day. Bean was forged in the flames of Welsh artist Harry Hambley’s own discontent with modern living, which he began expressing on Instagram through the day-to-day struggles of Bean’s fictitious life. What began as daily short-form comics quickly evolved into animations and more as Bean gathered an ever-growing following of like-minded souls. Now Harry and the Ketnipz team are branching out into other forms of media, such as kids’ books, art installations and brand collaborations that expand the world of Bean and friends. But despite Bean’s meteoric rise to the dizzying heights of mid-tier Instagram influencer fame, the core beliefs of Ketnipz have stayed the same – to make light of modern life and provide a relatable mascot in the form of Bean.