Mural by Lesivo, Bogotá
Lisa Bogerts
Lisa Bogerts is a Berlin-based researcher, writer, editor and workshop facilitator. Her work focuses on political conflict and protest, visual communication, artistic activism and power relations. Having studied political science and communication studies, as well as international relations and peace and conflict studies, her PhD at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and the New School for Social Research in New York City investigated street art in Latin American cities as anti-imperialist artistic activism. In other projects, she has worked on visual communication in the context of right-wing extremism, anti-racism and decoloniality. She currently coordinates the research program of an international relocation initiative for at-risk artists from restricted political contexts. Her recent publications include: Do You Want Meme War? Understanding the Visual Memes of the German Far Right and The Visual Culture of Far-Right Terrorism.

Mural by La Banda Chilanga, Mexico City

Mural by Red Sudakas, Lucas Pinto, Sergio Condori, Fileteatores del Conurbano, Pericles, Ruben Minatoli and Eric Chareun,
Buenos Aires